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01 | Acceptance of the General Conditions 

These General Conditions are binding for customers and Swiss-West and drafted under Swiss regulations. The present General Conditions, signed by the contracting parties, will be incorporated into all contracts of Swiss-West’s Wine Education Program, the object of which are the programs contained in the information sheets and that are binding on the parties, together with the particular conditions agreed in the contract and those which may be established in each Program. 


02 | Registration, Price and Payment 

• If you sign up but change your mind, notify us within 24 hours and there is no charge. 

• If cancellation occurs more than 45 days prior to the arrival a refund of 50 % will be given. 

• If cancellation occurs within 45 days from the start or during the camp no refund can be given. 

Registration: In order to register for the chosen program, you must complete the application form from Swiss-West with the corresponding reservation and dates. 

Any request for enrolment in any of our programs must be accompanied by a non-refundable deposit for administrative expenses to the value of 300CHF 


In the event of the expulsion of the participant from the course due to non-compliance with the disciplinary rules provided in section  of these Terms and Conditions, or due to personal circumstances (health, physical or mental problems, for example) that disturb coexistence or good development of the course and that have not been previously communicated by the parents and/or guardians or participants at the time of formalising the registration. 

In these cases, the costs of transfer to the airport, plane tickets and any other cost generated will be the responsibility of the client. No refund will be given.



No program registration will be processed unless accompanied by proof of payment. The balance of the price of the contracted Program must be paid within 14 days upon receipt of the invoice. Any failure to pay, both in time and method, will be considered as a waiver of the pupil to attend the course. 

Registrations made less than thirty (30) days prior to the Program start date must pay the full amount of the chosen program at the time of registration. Registrations are personal and non-transferable. 

Price: The price for the chosen Wine Education Program will be specified in the invoice after enrolment . It will include: Accommodation and meals ( breakfast, Lunch and dinner ) for the period of the course, excursions; education and course work, course materials airport transfers ( when within the time period of transfers, otherwise private car transfers can be arranged for an extra fee)  Assistance and supervision and instruction of monitors and teachers; Use of facilities,  Wi-Fi; and transportation.

The price does not include private transfers from the airport or train station, pocket money for personal expenses, extras service at the hotel, health and medical expenses, travel insurance, VISA’s and other private expenditures. 

Age : All participants of the courses must be over the age of 16 at the time of enrolment, or latest at the start of the course.



03 | Cancellation, No Presentation and/or Abandonment of the Program by the Customer 

In the event that the customer decides to cancel the contracted Wine Education Program, it must be notified in writing to Swiss-West within 24 hours of enrolment.

Deposit is Non refundable. 

Full payment is expected within fourteen (14)  days upon receipt of the invoice; 

No refund within 45 days of start date. 

There will be no right to full refund of the price when: 

-The participant abandons the course, of his own free will (or being minors, of his parents or guardians), once it has started, also being understood as withdrawal. 



04 | Medical, Pharmacological and/or Surgical Treatment 

The participant shall inform Swiss-West, if they are undergoing any medical and/or pharmacological treatment during the period covered by the chosen course. It is understood that, at the time of beginning the course, the participant is in correct physical and mental health to participate in the program and that the medical information accompanying the program application is true and complete. Otherwise, the company Swiss-west is exempt from any type of liability arising from the falseness of the information. 

In the event that a pupil of minor age is in a situation needing medical treatment and/or being admitted to hospital and/or in need of surgical intervention and it has not been possible to locate their parents or guardians, Swiss-West is here by authorised to take the measures it deems most appropriate for the participant’s health. 


05 | Electronics Devices and other Participant’s Properties 

Swiss-West is not responsible for the loss and/or deterioration of any electronic devices, jewellery and other valuables that the participant may bring to the chosen program. 

If any of these valuables have been lost, Swiss-West may dispose of any such property if not claimed and collected by the participant within 7 days of the end of the Camp. 


06 | Documentation 

All participants who enrol in the programs of Swiss-west must carry the necessary personal documentation (passport, VISA or credit card, travel insurance, ID card, health insurance card, medical report or medication) in accordance with the laws of the country where the arranged program will occur. Swiss-west will not accept responsibility for any and all liability or expenses arising from failure to comply on the part of the participant, their parents or guardians. 


07 | Insurance 

Families must take out accident and medical insurance to cover the participants of the course in case of any accidents, hospital admissions, surgery, doctors or medication needed. Proof of this insurance must be provided when enrolling in the course , or at latest, 10 days before travel. We would also recommend families take insurance against cancellation and travel insurance, bagage etc when coming from abroad. 


08 | Personal Data Protection and Image Processing 

Regulations: The personal data provided will be processed under the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data (GDPR). 

Purpose: The purpose of the data processing is attending your queries, performance of the contract as well as other legal obligations that may derive from it. We may also process your data to send you commercial communications and the participant’s image for marketing campaigns. 

Legal basis: The legal basis for processing your information is your express consent and the execution of these Terms and Conditions. If you do not consent to the processing of your / the participant data, the participant will not be able to enroll in the Wine education Program. In the case of the sending of commercial communications about our educational services and the use of your image for marketing purposes we will be acting under our legitimate interest in addition to your express consent. 

Type of personal data processed: Identification and contact information, language, location, image, family, preferences, educational and sensitive data related to health and behaviour, bank and insurance details. 


Period of retention: The data provided will be kept for the time necessary to comply with the purposes expressed herein or until your consent is withdrawn. After such period, your information will be erased under the corresponding security measures. 

Security measures: The controller has implemented the necessary technical and organisational security measures that guarantee the security of your personal data. 

Exercise of Rights: You can exercise the rights to access, rectification, erasure, object, limitation of processing, portability and consent withdrawal by sending us a written request to

Use of image: The use of the participant’s image will be used if expressed consent of parents / legal guardians or participants if they are over 13 will be always required. The purpose of taking images is the use and / or dissemination, during a limited period of time, for promotional purposes in Swiss-West such as press material, newsletters, websites, social networks (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) and / or other similar media on the Internet (all of them owned and used exclusively by Swiss-West ) and its use and / or dissemination is prohibited by other means or third parties not authorised and outside both. In any case, the participant or their legal representatives may withdraw their consent at any time and free of charge in accordance with the provisions of current legislation. 



09 | Alterations and Occurrences in the Program 

Regarding airport pick up services: the flight information (date, hour and flight number) must be confirmed in writing to Swiss-West at least seven (7) working days prior arrival. The airport transfer service operates between 14:00 and 16.00 local time. In case of flight changes without previous notification, Swiss-West will not be held responsible for collecting the participant at the airport. 

Swiss-west undertakes to provide customers with all contracted services contained within the program, with the stipulated conditions and characteristics. 

All programs are subject to a minimum number of participants, and parents will be told of any cancelation or provided an alternative option or date. 

Swiss-west reserves the right to change activities within the program to adjust for any changes with providers, weather or conditions required. 

In this case, if we need to significantly adjust the program price or dates, you will be informed and given the option to accept the changes.



10 | Practices and Mandatory Standards during the Progress of the Program 

The participant agrees to respect and abide by the course discipline and behavior rules, both during their stay in the facilities where the Camp activities are developed, and outside of them, in particular, in relation to opening times of the Hotel, the obligation of getting involved in the activities and / or class attendance, meals, comply with schedules and rules of coexistence and behavior with teachers, classmates, and staff employed by the Organisation.

In addition to the prohibition of consumption and possession of tobacco, alcohol and drugs, possession and / or use of weapons, explosives and any other conduct that is illegal. 

Failure to comply with these requirements by the participant will entitle those responsible for the course (Swiss-West ) to take the legal and disciplinary measures they deem appropriate, as well as inform the parents or guardians of the participant's misbehavior, leaving the participant out of any activity or excursion or even expelled from the whole Program. In these cases, the cost of early return to their home being borne by the client. The customer will not have the right to reimbursement of the fees. 

The customer shall be liable for any and all costs, charges, expenses and liabilities that might arise in respect of damage to any property where the participant (acting alone or with others) has caused loss or damage to our property or the property of any other person involved in the course (fair wear and tear excluded). The damage to the property of the Hotel proprietor has to be dealt with between the family/student and the Hotel itself. 

Swiss-West does not accept responsibility to accommodation damages and costs, or those incurred by the parents or guardians in case of damage to hotel property, either intentional or accidental.


11 | Resolution of Conflicts 

Any conflict related to the programs will be resolved by the competent jurisdictional bodies according to the applicable legislation. 


12 | Validity 

The validity of these general conditions will be from January 1, 2024. 



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